Catalogue Title : The Australian
Commonwealth Specialists' Catalog
Publisher : Brusden-White, Broadway,
New South Wales, Australia
Editions In Latest Revision :
- Kangaroos, 5th ed., 2013 (covers the Kangaroo & Map Definitives from 1913 to 1948 and essays for first Australian federal stamps)
- George V, 4th ed., 2014 (covers the George V Profile Definitives, followed by commemoratives and airmail stamps released during the reign of George V).
- George VI, 3rd ed, 2015 (covers definitives and commemoratives of this reign)
- Elizabeth II 1952-1966, 3rd ed, 2015 (covers the imperial currency era before decimalization)
- Postage Dues, 2nd ed, 2014 (covers both Federal Dues and the Colonial Dues of Victoria and New South Wales).
Covers of the Five volumes released to date in the latest revision of the Brusden-Whites begun in 2013.
Format : Soft Cover, pages 170mmx215mm,
black & white illustrations
Language of Text : English
Pages :
- Kangaroos, 214
- George V, 452
- George VI, 268
- Elizabeth II 1952-1966, 364
- Postage Dues, 216
Price (per publisher's website
dealers often sell at lower prices) :
- Kangaroos, Au$95.00
- George V, Au$125.00
- George VI, Au$95.00
- Elizabeth II 1952-1966, Au$105.00
- Postage Dues, Au$95.00
Reviewer's Note : Other volumes
covering other aspects of Australian Philately of the Federal Era
were last published in the period 2001-2003 and are still available.
In particular, the Decimal Issues since 1966 are covered in a
three-volume set (1966-1975, 1976-1991 and 1992-2001) which
Brusden-White sells for Au$150.00 for the set of three. There are
also volumes covering booklets and pre-decimalization postal
stationery. See publisher website for more details. No information
as to potential new editions of these volumes have been released as
of present.
Introduction & Historical
With one of the most active collector
communities on the planet, and amazing web resources such as the
excellent stamp forum providing an excellent platform
for exchanging information on research, Australia is one of the most
popular philatelic areas of the world to collect. For collectors of
Australia after the introduction of common stamps for the entire
Federation in 1913, the Brusden-White Catalogues are the clear
catalogue of record and a gold mine of information for collectors
interested in the finer details of Australian stamps, from shades to
plate varieties and much, much more.
There is one caveat to all this. With
the exception of the Postage Due stamps of Victoria and New South
Wales the Brusden-White catalogues do NOT include coverage of the
stamps of the separate Australian colonies before the establishment
of a common set of definitives for all of Australia in 1913.
Collectors interested in this vast area of Australian philately have
alternatives, but nothing of the depth of coverage that Brusden-White
provides for the Federal Era.
The evolution of Australia into the
modern nation it would become in the twentieth century is an amazing
story in and of itself. Although Aboriginal peoples have lived in
Australia for tens of thousands of years, the continent itself would
remain, with a couple exception, outside the growing network of
international trade and commerce, with the continent being seen as a
land of few resources and often hostile native communities.
All that would change in 1788 with the
arrival of a party of British convicts sentenced to transport to the
other side of the world. Until the 1770s, the transport of convicts
had tended to focus on North America, but with the establishment of
an independent United States in 1783 that option was no longer viable
to the British justice system. At the same time, a series of British
explorers, including the great Captain James Cook, visited the
eastern coast of Australia and noted the fecundity of the area and
its climate. Hence the decision to send convicts to Australia in
1787, arriving at what would eventually become the city of Sydney in
January 1788.
Over the next fifty years a combination
of convict settlement and free immigration would lead to the
establishment of six British colonies on the continent. While at
first the economy would be dominated by pastorial sheep raising, the
discovery of gold in the colony of Victoria in 1851, in wake of the
great California rush, led to a massive influx of immigrants and a
realization of the great natural resource wealth of the continent.
Rapid population growth in the second half of the nineteenth century
due to immigration and high birth rates among new settlers would
rapidly transform the continent into a new Western settler society.
The native Aboriginal population was, for the most part, treated with
contempt with no rights to the land their ancestors had inhabited for
centuries, and would soon either be pushed deep into the Australian
outback or become wards of the colonial states.
Politically, the rapid growth of the
nineteenth century would lead to self government for most of the
colonies by 1860, with major political reforms expanding the right to
vote for most Australian males of European descent by the end of the
century. By the 1880s there were also many political voices in
Australia calling for the separate colonies to unite to form a new
single Australian dominion within the British Empire. But not all
colonial leaders were keen on ceding powers to a new central
government, and the debate over Federation would last for over two
decades before finally becoming a reality in 1899. Royal assent to
the creation of an Australian federation came in 1900, and on 1
January 1901 the Commonwealth of Australia was born.
By the time of Federation in 1900
Australia was one of the wealthiest nations on the planet. But that
wealth always rested on the shaky foundations of the export of raw
materials in exchange for imports of consumer goods from Britain and
other advanced industrial nations. Economic downturns in the 1870s
and 1890s illustrated the weakness, but while the growth of
Australian population would lead to some industrial development in
the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the dependence on
raw material production remained the basis of Australian economic
growth. The Great Depression, and the collapse of global trade which
resulted from the tariff wars among the major advanced industrial
nations would hit Australia very hard, and it was only with the
outbreak of World War II and the sudden increased demand for
Australian resources that would return a degree of prosperity to
Today Australia still remains highly
dependent on the export of raw materials, especially minerals, to
fuel its economic growth. Its industrial base remains small, and
while most Australians today work in the service sectors of the
economy, Australians still remain captive to world markets for their
goods. A period of high demand in the 1990s and 2000s would fuel a
great boom in Australia, but this would end in the mid-2010s as
developing economies, China in particular, experienced economic
turbulence that reduced demand for Australian resource. The great
challenge for Australia in the twenty-first century will be to find a
way to maintain economic growth without being so heavily dependent on
raw material exports.
Review Of The Catalogue and Comparison
with Scott
Comparing the Brusden-White catalogues
with Scott's Classic Specialized 1840-1940 catalogue, never mind the
main Standard Catalogue, is not really fair. Scott's Classic
specialized does a fairly good job with basic differences between
stamps as regards shades, perforation varieties and watermark
varieties (though this depends on the issue). Where Scott really can
not compete is with all the plate varieties, constant flaws and deep
specialized material that Brusden-White provides.
Scott 2015 Classic Specialized Catalogue listings for Australia, first full page.
For the Elizabeth II era however, Scott
only has the basic listings in the Standard Catalogue, so anyone
seeking specialist information will need to turn elsewhere.
The Brusden-White Catalogues are all
structured in a similar manner. The one major exception is that the
Kangaroo and George V sideface definitive series are organized by
face value, then by release date of the variety. This is not
necessarily a bad thing, in that it helps new collectors of these
issues with all the information on a face value stamps in one neat
block rather than across several sections. The George V commemorative
and Airmail issues, as well as all the issues of the George VI and
pre-Decimal Elizabeth II era, are organized chronologically by
release date.
Structurally the listings in
Brusden-White all follow a similar layout. For the purpose of this
blog post, I've chosen to use the listings for the 1/2d Kangaroo
issue of 1913-1915 as the example.
Page One of the listings in Brusden-White for the 1/2 d Kangaroo Stamp
First part of all listings provides
technical information regarding printer, paper and watermark used,
number of plates, typical usage of the stamp, quantities printed and
info as to what replaced it (or for commemoratives, quantity sold).
Following this is the listing for varieties of the base stamp, varieties that are not specific to any single plate printed of the issue. This includes color shades, watermark varieties, perforation variteties, printing method varieties, and information regarding things such as perforated officials and the various cancelled-to-order varieties produced.
Second page of listings for varieties on the 1/2d Kangaroo in Brusden-White, focusing on plate flaws and varieties
Following the listing for varieties of
the base stamp common across different plates are listings for plate
flaws and varieties specific to individual plates. Australian
philately has been greatly enriched by the massive amount of research
done by collectors, especially of the Kangaroos and George V
sidefaces, in identifying constant plate flaws. Many collectors may
find such information as flyspecking overkill, but for many
collectors the hunt for plate varieties adds a whole new dimension to
their collections.
Graphic depiction of thevarious plate flaws listed in the cataloge for the 1/2d Kangaroo
Numerous black and white illustrations
of the plate flaws accompany the listings for each value, greatly
aiding the new collector who is interested in this aspect of
Australian philately.
Endnotes providing various nuggets of information regarding the various listings for the 1/2d Kangaroo
Finally, a section of notes and further details are provided as endnotes, and often contain a wealth of information regarding issues.
And that is basically how each stamp
issue is listed in the catalogues, making the Brusden-Whites fairly
easy to use for even the novice collector to the field of specialized
Australian philately. The only thing to remember is that the Kangaroo and Geroge V sideface listings are arranged by face value first, while the remainder of the catalogue is generally chronological by release date.
Conclusion :
For many collectors, the level of
detail and heavy focus on plate varieties that Brusden-White provides
in its catalogues may be overkill and perhaps not worth the high
price that each volume tends to run. However, the Brusden-Whites
really have become the catalogue of record for Australian issues from
1913 to 1966. Hopefully new editions of the Decimal era catalogues
will be forthcoming.
The other issue that many collectors
may find problematic is the lack of coverage for the Australian
colonies in the nineteenth century. The Brusden-Whites are clearly a
labor of love by the contributors and editors of the catalogues, and
given the sheer number and complexity of pre-Federation colonial
Australian issues, may just end up being beyond the scope of what the
catalogue will eventually provide.
However, Brusden-White is not the only
specialized Australian catalogue one can refer to, as I will
elaborate further in my next post.
All I can say/think is... drooling ;)
ReplyDeleteNot fully related to this particular review, but... How do you go on with 'learning' and utilizing what is inside all these new specialized catalogs. For example BW is about 1300 pages of highly specialized tidbits.
Personally I've noted that I usually 'dip in' one stamp/series at time, so the process of learning for me with any specialized catalog takes usually years, maybe even decades.
Hey K! Not sure what exactly you are talking about. If you mean the structure of the listings, they are fairly easy to figure out in most catalogues within a few hours. If you mean the contents, then of course it requires years of work with them to really -master- the listings. But the first step in mastery is of course having access to the information.
DeleteYes, it was learning the contents I was thinking about.
ReplyDeletePlease do keep the reviews coming. I'm enjoying them very much.
I think one can often get a quick grasp on how detailed a catalogue is, in general, with a short perusal. Not to pick on Y & T, but I would only use it for French related parts. I don't usually find more useful information -than Scott for instance- in the non French area.
ReplyDeleteYou have shared very good information and it is really very valuable for me. And I have been searching for similar information for a long time, which is received through your blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this information.